fn PostStep = ( ffpp = $FumeFX01 ct = currentTime smokeFilePath = "D:/e_smoke."+ ct as string +".txt" smokeOutput_file = createFile smokeFilePath tempFilePath = "D:/e_temp."+ ct as string +".txt" tempOutput_file = createFile tempFilePath velFilePath = "D:/e_vel."+ ct as string +".txt" velOutput_file = createFile velFilePath format "%\n%\n%\n" nx ny nz to:smokeOutput_file format "%\n%\n%\n" nx ny nz to:tempOutput_file format "%\n%\n%\n" nx ny nz to:velOutput_file bbxmin = -100 bbymin = -100 bbzmin = -100 bbxmax = 100 bbxmay = 100 bbxmaz = 100 format "%\n%\n%\n%\n%\n%\n" bbxmin bbymin bbzmin bbxmax bbxmay bbxmaz to:smokeOutput_file format "%\n%\n%\n%\n%\n%\n" bbxmin bbymin bbzmin bbxmax bbxmay bbxmaz to:tempOutput_file format "%\n%\n%\n%\n%\n%\n" bbxmin bbymin bbzmin bbxmax bbxmay bbxmaz to:velOutput_file smoke = 0.0 vel = 0.0 temp = 0.0 for i in 0 to (nx - 1) do for j in 0 to (ny - 1) do for k in 0 to (nz - 1) do ( smoke = GetSmoke i j k vel = GetVel i j k temp = GetTemp i j k format "%\n" smoke to:smokeOutput_file format "%\n" temp to:tempOutput_file format "% % %\n" vel[1] vel[2] vel[3] to:velOutput_file ) close smokeOutput_file close tempOutput_file close velOutput_file )b